go Green

go Green
rofl one of my fave moments ever

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

bye of now i will be back as soon as i can

so i am not going to be able to post for a while next time i post there will be some things different like i will be 18 i will have, i will have been to the state of Floirda, and will have been on my last mission trip with SEEK youth group as a student. those are the for sures the hopefullys are i will hopefully be able to drive and i will hopefully have a girlfriend but see yall later and i will have a story to tell you next time

Monday, June 21, 2010

looking for you

i don't know where you are or who you are i thought i had found you but the girl wasn't you.that girl broke my heart and we never even went on a date. but now I'm over it and I'm ready to start looking again i need you, i miss you my heart aches of you and yet i don't think i have ever met you. i just want someone to hold in my arms. i want someone to want to spend time with me. i want someone to miss me when I'm gone. i want someone to sing silly songs with and laugh, but i don't think i have found that yet. yes there is a girl but i don't know how this will go because i know I'm going to ask her out, i pray she says yes. yet this Thursday i will be 18 and i have never held a girls hand romantically, i have never had a first kiss, and have never been on a date. what kind of girl will want someone like that? I'm not the buff strong guy. I'm not the smart brain guy. I'm not the quick witted smooth talker. I'm Eddie what do i do best i don't know? i guess speak to large groups of people but how will that make someone want me. i mean i can't write you a song, i can't draw you a picture, i can't do anything that makes love stronger. I'm Eddie all i can do is be there that's what I'm good at being there i have been there for so many people that it doesn't feel like that will matter but at the same time i feel like that is something worth while when I'm there for someone. does this post even make sense to anyone but me i don't know? but i know people will understand this. I'm looking for someone to love and i have someone in mind but if this fails i will be glad for someone to step up and say something to me. but who would no one would because I'm Eddie. I'm Eddie and going to be a pastor. I'm Eddie and i can't show flaws. I'm Eddie and i can't let stuff bring me down. I'm Eddie and i can't sit and cry in my room because i feel lonely and want what my friends have or have had. I'm Eddie and i think that i will never find her.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

fathers day is just a normal day

well as you know today was fathers day well in my house that doesn't mean much i got my dad some shirt off of a rack in Wal-Mart it says #1 dad or something like that. ha #1 dad i don't know he tries his best i guess and i think he means well but everything he does makes me madder and madder. its not that he does anything be mean or cruel either it just is tiny stuff but its the same with both my parents if i can not be around them I'm not. I don't know if the reason behind this is maybe teenage craziness running wild in my mind at times or maybe the fact that deep down inside i just feel anger at them for being stupid and having me. i doubt that if my mom hadn't got pregnant with me that they would have married. they are both so different and that strains a marriage when both party's like to do other stuff but i don't know if it will work out or not (my moneys on not) but whatever happens, i have God so happy fathers day to the one who loves me forever (this post is not to bag on my father i love him and respect him always)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

flowers and the homeless

so i got up today and went to work. we dropped off at four places today at UofR in the Greek theater,at some hotel,at a small church in Richmond, and at a house out in the middle of nowhere. umm after work i came home looked on here then i looked on facebook there was nothing going on so i got bored and took a nap and i slept till about 7 then i got up and got back online well i looked around facebook some more (gosh I'm such a facebook stalker) and then came on here (guess I'm a blog stalker now as well) i read some very neat post from some of my friends. i didn't know so much about them and i love to learn its fun to do so, well i came across a post on one of the blogs that i was looking at talking about homeless people and how we should help so i invited them to go to Monroe park one Sunday with me to feed the homeless. hmm it has been such a long time sense i have last been to the park i really want to go soon but all of my Sundays are booked till sometime next month so i guess i will go then. but as for this i realised two things about this blog my life is not that exciting at times and my post will be boring and i just like doing this so much i guess its because i like to tell people about my day and here i can do so and know that someone maybe listening well umm i mean reading about me and it just makes me happy

Friday, June 18, 2010

the west end evening

Ok so i spend my entire afternoon over on the west end today. First i went to weag where we had some stuff for youth choir going on (like dinner and a slip and slide) and trust me the slip and slide was fun every time i went on it but once and the only reason it wasn't fun is because i almost ran over my good friend Stephanie. This guy named Tyler wanted to do a train down the slip and slide well a bunch of us did it and it went i think like this 1 Tyler 2 Devon 3 Stephine 4 Eddie (me) 5 Zach 6 i don't know the kids name but whatever. Well Stephanie being smaller than me slowed down sooner than i did so i had to try to not run over her it. I succeed and didn't hit her but i hurt my wrist a bit in doing so (i will be fine tomorrow i think its just bruised) then after the slip and slide the youth went up stairs and sang for a bit we sounded ok but Timmy who is one of the kids there kept messing us up and just acting wild (but Timmy is still a cool guy) after we where done singing me Zach and josh rode with Elizabeth to Wal-Mart. We were at Wal-Mart and met this older woman who bought Zach sunscreen(there is a whole story behind it but i don't feel like typing it out) it just blew my mind that someone was that friendly. So now done with Wal-Mart we headed to a place called Sweet Frog well when we got there we found out the people we where meeting there had walked to Dicks sporting goods so we walked over there it was a bit of a walk but it was still fun i guess so we get to Dicks and find our friends well everyone kind of wondered off on there own or in small groups soooooo i figured i would do the same so i headed to my fave place in a store like that. The archery part they had such a nice bow there today it had a targeting sight, a cleaning launch plate, very good grip on it, and it was light weight. It was so nice it had a min pound draw of 45 but thats ok because my draws like 50 something almost 60 so it was all good but the price tag $499.00 ON SALE gosh why do bows cost so much, but moving on the group left there and walked back. I walked beside Stephanie and learned something cool she plays the sholts game (if you don't know what it is your kind of lame sorry but its just a fact) just like me and my friends do but when we got back to Sweet Frog everyone had to part ways so we left and while on the way home we got a phone call from Caleb asking if we were going hanging out of course we were so the group got together and hung out till almost midnight so all in all i had a very good evening

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The failed trip to BWs

OK so Caleb picked me up today and we went over to Andrew's and got him, after we got him we drove all over the place getting Skinner and Zach once the group was all together we went to the sandston shake shop where we hung out till umm i don't know 8ish. Then we left for Buffalo wild wings to karaoke the night away but that didn't happen instead we sat outside all night talking to people from Caleb's work becasue of a mix up with the tables so after stand around for over an hour we went to Wal-Mart where we still did nothing and then Caleb brought me home. It was ok but no where near the fun i thought we where going to have so it was a failed trip from my point of view

ok the first real post of many

I has been a good day so far, i woke up and got right onto my new laptop and then on to facebook where i stalked the normal 8 people i do. Then i sent out my random friend request for the month i hope i get someone this time the last two months have been failures, and then after all that and breakfast i started working on making this blog and as you can tell i finally got it working. O and i finally got to watch some music videos i have been wanting to see.

its a start

OK well this is my first post now i have always wanted a blog but have never gotten one because i have never have my own computer but guess what i have one now so I'm starting a blog